Friday April 26th 2024

Interview with the The Acro-Brats


Interview with The Acro-Brats at O’Brien’s Pub

By Jim Slimedog


The Acro-Brats are a four piece band that has been called a lot of things (mostly unprintable) only kidding, but they do encompass a bunch of styles. I have heard pop punk to describe them but I gotta go with punk glam as I do in a review of their very good current cd -Hair Trigger- elsewhere on this site. A great band to see live, also, as they proved at the last Rock N Roll Rumble that they participated in. Let’s see what these Brats got to whine about.

Slimedog- How did the band get started?

Swid (Bass)- The band didn’t really start until I joined the band and then it was a new fucking story. I saw them play at Charlie’s (Charlie’s Kitchen in Cambridge MA) and I called my friend who I was playing with in a band at the time and I was like, “This is what we would sound like if we were better!” I was a fan from the first time I saw them. Daniel (Guitar) had asked Scott who we worked with (Daniel and Swid work together) to be in the band and I basically, talked Scott out of him being in the band. And eventually, he was like, “Yeah, you would be so much better in this band,” So I usurped the bass player and these guys have known each other forever and played with each other forever.

Slimedog- Any recording plans coming up?

Swid- We have new stuff written and we’re working on writing our next recording. The last two cds have been about six songs, one a cover and we have enough together for our next thing but I feel we’re actually moving toward something bigger, it might actually be longer.

Daniel- And another thing we’re doing that I’m super psyched about is we’re going back to our old catalog and re-writing songs.

Swid- It’s interesting to us to take a song and say, “Oh, this is cooler this way.”

Slimedog- Who writes in the band?

Swid– It’s Chris, Chris is like 95 percent. I’ve just wrote my first two songs for the band. Daniel has contributed in the past. Chris writes the lyrics.

Slimedog- How would you guys describe your style?

Chris- (Vocals/Guitar) Really geigh. Really, really geigh. (Laughter)

Slimdog– How about punk glam?

Swid- I’m really into glam rock and I think punk is just an off shoot. Not all styles of punk but at least, initially it was. I always have a hard time describing us as punk but I think we have a lot in common with a glam rock band.

Slimedog– Your version, especially the ending, Of “Rebel Rebel” is the most kick ass song I’ve heard in a while.

Chris– Did you see Swid’s legs? (Everyone stares, mystified) Their incredible, I’m saying we’re “gam rock” not glam rock.

Slimedog- Who drinks the most in the band?

Swid- Eliahu (drums) probably drinks the most beer; I drink the most hard alcohol.

Chris- And Daniel drinks the most semen in the band. (Laughter)

Daniel- That is clearly not the case (Indignantly)

Slimedog- In that vein what do you think of Swid’s pubic hair?

Daniel- Does he have pubic hair?

Swiid- It’s not very well trimmed right now.

Daniel- I’ve never seen, I always thought he was pretty shorn.

Chris- On the record, Swid was the first dude to tell me to start grooming myself which now, I do.

Slimedog- This is the fourth time Swid’s pubic hair has been mentioned on our site and I can see ourselves moving away from punk and metal and concentrating primarily on Swid pubic hair. Anyways, who’s most likely to become a serial killer?

All- Eliahu.

Daniel- It’s always the drummer.

Slimedog- Any funny stories concerning your practice place?

Daniel- Our practice place rules! We fuckin’ sit outside and watch boats drive by and we drink 40’s.

Slimedog- Where is this where the boats drive by?

Daniel- Charlestown, on the water.

Swid- I have a nice story. When Daniel and Eliahu were born (they’re brothers) there were trees planted with their placentas and Eliahu’s tree died! And we were making fun of that and he got so angry and he’s like, “Our parents buried our placentas but it wasn’t in the same place. So Fuck Off!” And then he sort of stormed off. So that’s the story.

Slimedog- That’s a beautiful story. (He says, tearing up)

Daniel- And now we practice at the site of that tree.

Chris- Me and Eliahu have known each other forever. And back when Eliahu was under 21 and we we’re drinking and I was pretending to call 911 but actually did call 911 (by mistake) and then I’m like, “Shit, they have to come.” And there were two cops and one is talking to me and Daniel and Eliahu’s underage so they ask where he is and I say, “He’s in my room”. And the other cop goes back and says, “There’s no one in your room.” So the cops take me into the room and I’m looking under the bed. So we open the closet door and Eliahu’s standing there in the pitch black and the cop goes, “What’re you doin’ in there?’ And he goes, “Just chillin’.”

Check out their profile and review elsewhere on this site.

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