Friday April 26th 2024

No Tox – “Demolished”


No Tox – “Demolished”


No Tox is a new band, two-thirds of the band used to be in Toxic Narcotic, a very well known band. They were a “crust band” which means to me the worst part of the bread. The part of the toast I discard.

But crust punk, I find out, is a combination of “anarchistic lyrics, hardcore punk and extreme metal”. Now, that seems like something more suitable for my palate.

I’ve seen this band a few times now. Their drummer Sam can’t be beat on beats, probably the best drummer on the hardcore scene that we know; Will, the guitar player, we know from a great band For The Worse and Pat, the bassist- we don’t know him from a hole in the wall- but we do know he is very able along with Will and both of them share the lead vocals.

This is hardcore performed to perfection meaning, if you see this band on any bill you might be hard pressed to say any other band “played better.” But proficiency is often as dull as a butter knife. You want some guts, some emotion, some integrity and belief.

Well, that’s all here folks- along with some angry lyrics against society and the establishment you have intense hardcore played honestly and with passion stuffed full force into your eardrums and face. You only need to be aware of it to enjoy.

Let’s rock some No Tox tracks, shall we?


A fancy twirling joint guitar and drum line leaves some space for a quick bass run and before you know it “Smash It All” is racing out of the gate. “Fuck these bullshit laws we abide by.” A solid beat, a charging bass and a grinding guitar along with vocals that sound like an angry Handsome Dick Manitoba. “Fuck these rules because they destroy us.” An emphatic verse or two is followed by a shifting, dancing guitar line that leads into a rousing chorus. “We are proud to die behind these walls/ It makes no sense, makes me want to smash it all.” This is an angry, intense rant propelled by aggressive, energetic playing. And would be a great soundtrack for willful destruction of property.

[audio: It All.mp3|titles=Smash It All]


After a lonely, chugging bass line is followed by one slashing guitar chord we move full throttle ahead into “All For None.” “The American Dream is dead/ No regrets, no remorse/ The theory is dead.” A double time hardcore passage with follows with a melodic guitar lick hanging on for dear life. “All for none for all,” the chorus goes which is answered by dissonant guitar chords. An actual metal guitar solo pokes it head out for a bit but the ominous chorus reigns it back in. “Don’t say you aren’t controlled/ You are controlled/ You’re not the only one/ Side by side you’re not alone.” Near the end the song races towards the finish line as the song proves to be alive and true and great and quite the opposite of the American Dream.

[audio: For None.mp3|titles=All For None]


“Head held high/Middle finger up.” Is heard even before the music has a chance to leap out at you. “Never give in/ Never give up.” This is another rant against the establishment- “People tell me I’m never gonna win/ I don’t give a fuck,” answered with a Black Flag like chorus, “Never giving in/ Never giving up.” This song chops and slashes along with another metal-ish solo sprouting up in the middle. Then it’s back to the rolling, tumbling rhythms and the emphatic, passionate vocals along with some double timing drumbeats toward the end- great tune.

[audio: Give In.mp3|titles=Never Give In]


“Damned If You Do” starts with a drum roll and a clanging guitar which then quickly changes into a police siren. “Damned if you do/ You’re doomed if you don’t.” Vocals that are harsh and reminiscent of Lemmy from Motorhead. This song has many tempo changes. “I don’t need to hear your opinion/ I don’t care if you approve.” This song has many twists and turns and is chock full of passion, intensity and integrity which is pretty much an apt description of the whole album.

[audio: If You Do.mp3|titles=Damned If You Do]


So No Tox has no toxic chemicals in them and I’m not talking pharmaceuticals, baby, and none of the steroids they pump into the cows and athletes, sugar.

The toxic chemicals I’m talking about are pop music and indie and la la girls showing their ta ta’s and asses so you’ll all buy into the corporate dream of consumption- the corporate dream with the promise of ripe, young genitals exposed, zippers opened along with wallets, starry eyed dreams of expensively cheap luxury, all that glitters is God, of complacent normalcy with no spark, no passion, no intensity to speak of- just a lifelong prison of options chosen ahead of time- all for you.

Buy into the dream, win the prize, unlimited sex ,unlimited fame and money and unlimited depravity dull as a door knob on your doorstep, there for the taking.

But No Tox has something else to offer. It’s real emotion, real feeling and observations from real lives. Real life, real passion and real people- reality not built from a fraudulent dream.

Enjoy it with no ill side effects.

It’s all they have to offer but it’s all you really need.



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