Friday April 26th 2024

Spitting Black – “I Am Become Death”


Spitting Black – “I Am Become Death”


Spitting Black is the spitting image of TNB.

Though, I’m assuming, “spitting image” is not in the vocabulary of 2016.

Well, anyway, they describe themselves on their facebook page (that’s the new kind of myspace) as “punk/metal/hardcore.” Which is exactly how we describe ourselves, TNB, (on myspace.)

Though, in fact, I describe myself as a bi-curious televangelist with a Cornish hen fetish however inaccurate, or accurate, that may be.

So, though their are no references to lawnmowers or how they could be included in consensual sex with Cornish hens in their music- not that I, or Andy, or anyone we are associated with would harbour such depraved, indecent thoughts. And if they do it’s only by coincidence. (Pause now while I cool myself down with a fan.)

We would like to clearly state that we thoroughly enjoy this band, Spitting Black. I think of them mainly as metal with a strong hardcore and punk influence.

While others might view them as demigods from hell sent to indoctrinate our children into the hedonistic lifestyle of Cornish hens, obscenity depicted in S&M scenarios where the defrocked chicken is ridiculed and made to queue in the take out line of KFC at twelve midnight.

Which may, or may not, be getting off the track or the gist of things or point of distance off the course we are heading to. To further clarify the point of my dis-juncture we will let the music play.

“Do Not Speak” starts with some buzz saw guitar bursting with energy until some clanging bass brings in the rockin’ drums with vocals screeching in black metal agony. Soon this is answered by some foreboding death vocals as well. “Language is infected/ grammar-based diseased (or “Grandma bastes her fleas” is what I hear)/ …phrases repeated in endless mania…do not speak/ contaminate vocabulary.” This song has an interesting, revolving chord change that eventually turns into an intense, exciting rant. “Bar your doors/ Shield your ears from the words that claim your soul.” I’ll use words to claim not only is this my favorite song by them but a potent, boiling cauldron of spite, emotion and energy combined.

“Into The Fray” starts with one chord, four pounding bass notes and a belch from hell and with a propulsive drum beat that hits like an assailant hitting wildly out at both sides. This is another powerful, intense song. “Into the fray once again/ Dying for a chance to find what’s real.” What’s real is the passion and anger leaping from the grooves of this record and out of the speakers. “Expression is a struggle of the soul/ Filtered through a maze of perceptions led astray.” The song zips by while the vocals passionately scream and the music hits hard and strong. There’s a slow part with a nice, fancy guitar lead but then we’re ripped once again into the chaos of this tremendous song.

With some thrashing guitar work leading “Breathe The Tedium” into a merge of thrash and hardcore this music immediately grabs you by the throat. “Give everything/ Lose all feeling/ The price of possession…There is no meaning, tired and needing satisfaction/ An empty shell trapped in hell, your lifelong creation.” This explosive, exciting song seems to comment sadly, on Slimedog’s and Andy Bang life; caught in the world of music website land, where our every word is controlled by corporations- us, mere puppets who have soiled upon our strings. This song chugs and punches along with an energy that is true, hard, brutal and exciting. A great tune.

“Machine” is a simpler song by them on this EP. I like it.

The name of this EP is “I am become death” which also happens to be the name of one of my favorite local bands we cover. Thus incurring legal action from said group with authorities allowing said group, “I am become death,” to confiscate all alcoholic beverage from Spitting Black’s practice space.

Did I mention that Spitting Black describe themselves as “punk, metal and hardcore” which, my favorite music publication- Cornish Hens Exposed- describes themselves as well?

But all joking aside, this is some seriously good metal that borrows from the best of best worlds, punk and hardcore and as they say, “Don’t spit in the wind,” but I’ll just say don’t miss out on this great band- Spitting Black.


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